President’s Report – 3/13 PTA Meeting
Elections for our 2017-2018 PTA board happened on Monday! A huge thank you to our newly elected officers for stepping up to take the reigns for next year. Our new board members are:
President – Kelly Osborne
Vice President – Crystal Jerabek
Treasurer – Kirsten Rogers
Recording Secretary – Carisa Lalim
Financial Secretary – Danielle Roedersheimer
Auditor – Aegea Lee
Historian – Kristin Weaver-Greengard
Advocacy chair Tiffany Frey reported on PTA Advocacy points from the 4th district’s Advocacy Communicator.
We heard the latest on Jogathon from chair Joana Diver and received overall positive feedback on the new Jogathon website. We are hoping to encourage more students and teachers to set up pages. Student fundraising week one has been completed and we are about 60% to our goal.
After-school chair Phyllis Fang reported on strong enrollment numbers for session 3 and thanked our parent volunteers that teach ASP classes.
Garden chair Kelly Osborne discussed the Laguna Beach Greenbelt grant, the Solar Club Juice in the Shed project and some other grant applications.
Chair Wendy Joy reported that Staff Appreciation Week will be held the first week of May with the theme Super Heroes.
Mr. Conlon reported that a mural artist for the handball courts has been selected and will cost $2000. We voted for the PTA to cover the cost of the murals and gave feedback on the design. He also made announcements about state testing for May 15-26 and construction scheduled for portable classroom project in the end of May. We discussed the Raptor school check in system that will be rolled out district-wide. He updated that the WeatherBug project is being discussed with SchoolPower (for grant funding) and city (for use by fire station), plus a $3000 Pacific Life grant will be applied toward cost. Mr. Conlon reported on the ongoing food waste recycling program enhancements.
Member Shaheen Sheik-Sadhal reported on school lunch reform. Her first step is to organize a parent survey to understand what parent school lunch improvements are desired.
Kelly Osborne opened up a brainstorm on Earth Day activities and captured a list of possible ideas.
Treasurer Laura Jumani presented the Treasurer’s and Budget to Actual Reports and we voted on budget adjustments to account for higher than expected enrollment in after-school program.
We hope you will all join us for our next meeting on Monday, April 10 at 8am in the MPR.
Sarah Durand
TOW PTA President