
It’s Talent Show…with a Twist!

Dear TOW Families,

We’re beyond excited to announce that the 1st–5th Grade TOW Talent Show is back! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 29th, when our talented students will light up the stage at the Laguna Beach High School Artists Theater.

What’s New This Year?

  • One Spectacular Show: To streamline the event, we’ll host a single show with a possible intermission based on the number of acts.
  • 5th Grade Hosts: Our 5th graders have the chance to shine as show hosts! If your child would like to MC, email us at talentshow@towpta.org to express interest.

This Year’s Theme: Let’s Go to the Movies! 🎥

Students are encouraged to choose movie-inspired songs to fit the theme (though it’s not mandatory).

Important Details:

  • TRYOUTS: Students are encouraged to have most, if not all, of their act ready. This will ensure success and confidence during auditions.
  • All group members should attend tryouts together.
  • If your performance is a group, please register everyone at once and select one tryout time.
  • PERFORMANCE LENGTH: Acts should aim for 1 minute, with a maximum of 2 minutes.
  • MUSIC: Song selection is first come, first serve and must be entered during your tryout signup. Final music cuts are due by Sunday, February 9th. Please drop your music into this Google Drive (upload here).
  • COSTUMES: Please bring or wear your costume to tryouts and provide a detailed description on the tryout form.
  • PARENT/GUARDIAN ATTENDANCE: A parent or guardian must accompany students at all tryouts and rehearsals, per district policy.

Tryout Schedule (in the TOW MPR):

  • Wednesday, February 12: 2:45–4:45 PM
  • Thursday, February 13: 3:00–5:00 PM

How to Register:

Complete the Talent Show Registration to secure your spot and sign up for a tryout time slot. Note: Students may participate in only one act.

👉 TOW Talent Show 2025 Registration & Tryout Signup

We can’t wait to celebrate the incredible talent of our TOW students—this will be an unforgettable evening for our community!


CC Dancey, Talent Show Chair

Kayla Wiechert, Talent Show Co-Chair

Click here to watch Talent Show 2024 

To respect the privacy and security of our participants, the video from our talent show is password protected.  If you do not have the password but believe you should have access, please email contact@towpta.org for further assistance.